2025 Chairs and Volunteers

We are always looking for Volunteers! Please reach out to us below if you would like to participate! 

Chair Name E-Mail Address
President Marv Ulmet
Vice President Brandon Wright brandon.wright1029@gmail.com
Secretary Michelle Smith
Treasurer Amber Wright amberragle@gmail.com
Sponsorship Chair Amber Wright amberragle@gmail.com
Commercial Tent Chair Patty Reyes-Cooksey soymegifts@gmail.com
Food Vendor Chair Marren Terrell eightonetwobbq@yahoo.com
Craft Vendor Chair Maggie Smith wildemberco.indiana@gmail.com
Parade Chair Dr. Ken Miller/Marv Ulmet marvinulmet@gmail.com
Entertainment Chair Tammy Weidner tamela1734@gmail.com
Advertisement Chair Marv Ulmet marvinulmet@gmail.com
Game Chair Andy and Whitney Snyder whitney_niswander@comcast.net ; leonardasnyder@yahoo.com
Education Day Chair Maggie Smith wildemberco.indiana@gmail.com
School Rep for Education Day Nancy Goss ngoss@rbbschools.net
School Rep for Education Day Jennifer Barrett jlee@rbbschools.net
Queen Contest Chair Anna May annamillermk@yahoo.com
Queen Contest Co-Chair Neely Slabaugh nslabaugh98@gmail.com
The Queen and Me Chair Neely Slabaugh nslabaugh98@gmail.com
Information Booth Chair Chris Fisher cfisher@bluemarble.net 
Social Media Manager/Website Editor Gracie Turner
Parking Chair Doug Lane
Photo Gallery/Video Gallery Chair Diana Choate dchoate72@aol.com
Face Painting Donna Niese donna@donnaniese.com
General Chair Kip Headdy
Volunteer  Noelle Conyer
Volunteer  Chris Clouse cclouse@ellettsville.in.us
Volunteer  Kenny Parrish kparrish@ellettsville.in.us